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Do you yearn for a deep,
consistent relationship with God?

(the universe, the divine, spirit, whatever you want to call it?)

Are you ready to transform your entire life
into a spiritual practice?

(including your relationships, your career; everything from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed.)

Do you want to experience the Divine
in and around you?

(and fill the void of longing, alone-ness, and/or the feeling that something is missing.)

If you answered YES to these questions, then you might as well sign up right now. 😉

​But if you want more details...


You don't need to:

  • Convert to my religion

  • Be an intellectual

  • Reach some arbitrary level of "goodness"

  • Have an abundance of free time

All you need is:

  • A genuine, heartfelt interest in God (the Divine, Consciousness, or whatever you want to call It)

  • Willingness to learn and try new practices

  • Availability to meet with me every two weeks for 6 months

It's that simple.

Some of my most successful mentees came to me knowing very little about yoga, let alone classical tantra (the tradition I teach from).


What they had was a yearning to connect with and understand God.

This is Mariana, one of my very real, very human students. When we first started working together, she had no clue how to even describe what she was looking for:

(Oh, and by the way, she’s just one of
over 1,200 students I’ve helped over the years.
Check out more testimonials if you’re curious!)


I'm not a white linen yoga pants cult leader,

(no shade against white linen yoga pants)

and I'm definitely not "more enlightened" than you.


I've just got 10 years of practice under my belt and have learned a lot about the spiritual process.


I've seen what works

(simple, consistent practices & teachings)

and what doesn't

(just reading tons of books & listening to podcasts)


There are two ways to look at me as your guide:


1.) I'm your spiritual trainer.


If you came to me wanting to grow your glutes but I saw you focusing on your upper body, I'd gently guide you to the squat rack. I'm here to help you embody your goals NOW through my years of experience.


2.) I'm your cool, eccentric spiritual aunt.


You know, the one who paints her walls funky colors and shops at the health co-op. But you trust my wisdom more than your parents (or religious institutions) because I actually live what I teach.


My primary job as your mentor is to skillfully guide you into a deeply spiritual and devotional way of life.


Most people who work with me want a more consistent, grounded, and accessible relationship with God (or whatever you call it.)

Yes, I actually can help you do this.

Over the course of 6 months, I'll guide you through 12 bi-weekly private sessions where you WILL develop the strong spiritual life you're seeking.

In between sessions, I'm available to help you integrate what you're learning in your every day life through WhatsApp

AND you get access to everything I've ever taught (80 hours of video!!!)

Here's the curriculum: 

1.) Surrender, Devotion, & Perseverance

2.) Building your Devotional Altar

3.) Examining (and expanding) your Spiritual Worldview

4.) The Power of Company (mantra)

5.) Self-Effort & Grace

6.) The Source of Love (exploring relationships)

7.) Compassionate Detachment

(exploring the Divine Masculine & Feminine)

8.) The Three Gunas

9.) The Ego

10.) The Gateway to the Sri Chakra

11.) Understanding Karma (the law of cause & effect)

12.) Final Meeting

What you'll gain:

Clarity in Your Identity as a Spiritual Being:

Define what God and spirituality mean to you, free from dogma or rigid belief systems.

Self-Reliance on your Spiritual Path: 

Stop feeling lost or that you need to seek the answers from outside of yourself. 

Practical Spiritual Tools:

Learn techniques to integrate spirituality into your daily life, which will enhance your resilience and inner peace.

Deep Understanding:

Gain valuable, unique insights from classical tantra and many world religions, tailored to your personal journey.

Transformative Experiences:

Move beyond belief to direct spiritual experiences, guided by me, your experienced mentor.

Befriend Your Full Emotional Spectrum:

Develop a profound relationship with Grace, which will allow you to navigate life's challenges with an open heart.

Personalized Guidance from an Expert (ME):

Receive one-on-one support to address your specific questions, doubts, and experiences.

Mentorship fees:

Pay in Full:


Mentor anchor

Payment Plan: 

$300 x 6

Your payment(s) include 12 one-hour sessions, direct WhatsApp access to me, lifetime access to my entire suite of courses (plus all future ones!), and the benefit of my expertise guiding you every step of the way.

There's absolutely no equivalent to learning in dialogue with another human being. 

No book, podcast, or seminar will ever match the experience.

I'm known for translating complex esoteric knowledge into practical, everyday insights.

In my opinion, there's nothing more human than yearning for God, and nothing as important as following that yearning. 

And the secret sauce is having an expert mentor who actually cares about you. 

What sets me apart from other spiritual mentors is my relationship with my guru and my spiritual lineage.

I've been his student for 10 years and I hang out with him three days a week. His presence in my life keeps me grounded as a guide for others.


These days, association with lineage is quite unusual, especially online.


Nothing I teach is my own "trademarked method."


and I, like you, didn't figure this out on my own.


Being self-taught and offering original ideas isn't bad—it's just a different flavor.


What I offer [lineage-based spirituality] is simply a rare flavor of modern spirituality that is compatible with any lineage or path you choose to follow. 


And best of all, my position within this lineage has given me extensive experience as a student—a student like you.


➵ I've been confused about shifting identities

➵ I've been baffled about integrating new practices and worldviews

➵ I know how tough it can be to work with the ego

So, are we doing this?

Pay in Full:


Payment Plan: 

$300 x 6

I look forward to meeting you during our consultation call!

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